What to Bring

Cash Cash and Visa ATM Card

Though credit cards have gained a foot-hold with most local hotels, the major stores (Ace Commercial, Ace Hardware, Ace Office Supply, A-One Supermart and Palm Terrace) and some restaurants, everywhere else cash reigns supreme. Personal checks are rarely accepted. Bank of Guam operates two ATMs in Kolonia that will work (theoretically) with any card inscribed with the Visa logo; both are at the bank branch east of town just past the American Embassy. Bank of FSM also has an ATM located right outside of the bank.

Synthetic or Cotton T-shirt Synthetic or Cotton T-shirts

With daily temperatures ranging between 27 and 32 degrees Celsius (80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit) and humidity levels upwards of 90%, you’ll want to stick to light clothing on Pohnpei, especially when doing strenuous activities. Cotton is the coolest, but some of the light synthetic materials dry much faster.

Synthetic or Cotton Shorts Synthetic or Cotton Shorts

Same goes for bottom-wear. Keep it light and loose. Shorts are the best choice for hikes on well-established trails without much surrounding underbrush to tear up your legs.

Synthetic Pants Synthetic Pants

For any hike not on a high-traffic trail, pants are the best choice for bottom-wear. Bushes, grass, and some very stickery ferns often grow close or partially over a route. If you wear shorts, you’ll be all scratched up in no time. Synthetic materials are best for pants because they stay light when wet, while cotton gets heavy and doesn’t dry in humidity. Make sure they aren’t too tight to give you plenty of room to move and also not so loose that they bag up when wet.

Synthetic or Cotton ShortsBikini Swim-wear

A long history with Puritanical missionaries has made Micronesia a conservative place when it comes to dress — though this is changing slowly (in thanks, partly, to the public pool and Olympic swimming program). Average middle-aged or older residents are still seen swimming fully-clothed. When swimming around Pohnpei’s coastline or in other areas that locals also frequent, dress modestly to avoid offending people. Regular swim shorts or board-shorts are fine for men and women. Women should wear a t-shirt or rash-guard over bikini tops. Bikinis worn openly in public places will attract unwanted attention, but they’re fine at isolated lagoon islands, out on a boat, and on the uninhabited parts of Ahnd and Pakin atolls. Men in Speedo-type swimwear will draw plenty of incredulous stares, though you do see Chinese fishermen swimming in them in public places.

Sunglasses Sunglasses

The sunglasses sold on-island are the cheap and mostly useless kind. Bring your own to combat those intense UV rays and save your eyes some wear and tear.

High SPF Sunscreen High SPF Sunscreen

Six degrees north of the equator, the sun is absolutely brutal. It doesn’t matter who you are — everyone burns here, even Pohnpeians. Wearing high-rated sunscreen whenever you’re outside is essential. It should be reapplied often, especially if you’re in and out of the water or sweating heavily. Sunscreen is sold on Pohnpei (try Ace Office Supply or Yoshie Enterprises), but it’s probably cheaper to bring some from home. If your skin is fair, you should be using SPF 50 or higher, reapplying often, and staying covered up as much as possible. Be aware that you can get sunburned just as badly on overcast days as in sunny weather. Wear a shirt when snorkeling.

Hat / Head Protection Hat / Head Protection

Unless you’re going to be under heavy tree cover all day, bring something solid to keep that noggin from boiling.

Flip-Flops or Thongs Flip-Flops or Thongs

Flip-flops, thongs, rubber sandals, or as Pohnpeians usually call them — sohri (a loan word from the Japanese zori) — are standard foot-wear on the island. You can bring your own, but they’re also sold at nearly every major store on the island.

Tennis Shoes / Light Hiking Shoes Tennis Shoes or Light Hiking Shoes

Around town, flip-flops, slippers, or sohri are optimal, but when you’re hiking on Pohnpei, you’ll need something that stays on your feet and holds up to abuse. Tennis shoes or well-ventilated light cloth hiking shoes are a good choice for short hikes on well-maintained trails. They’re absolutely terrible, however, if there’s mud, water, or slippery rocks — which is a good share of the time. Expect your shoes to get really, really dirty.

Five-Finger Shoes “Five-Finger” Shoes

After years of hiking on Pohnpei, we’ve concluded that nothing beats FiveFingers. Nothing. Thinner soles allow you to feel the terrain and cling to it better than with tennis shoes or hiking boots. The use of your toes improves balance and makes slips much less frequent on rocks. They stay on your feet in and out of water and mud and work just as well on hard, dry ground. You’re less likely to get blisters than with traditional shoes. There are a million reasons to use them here. A variety of models are available. We recommend the pioneering brand, Vibram. You’ll want to break them in at home before your trip. They take a little getting used to and your feet will have to toughen up a bit.

Dry-Bag or Dry-Backpack Dry-Bag or Dry-Backpack

Imagine 7.5 meters (25 feet) of water falling over the course of a single year! Pohnpei is an extremely rainy place, and everywhere you go, you should be prepared for the very real possibility that you’re going to get rained on. Luckily, there are many dry-bag and dry-pack models on the market these days that will keep all your important stuff completely dry in torrential down-pours, on boats, and when you’re paddling around. If you plan to do any hiking, boating, or paddling, a roll-top style dry backpack is a must-have. Heavy-duty Ziploc bags work great for small items inside your dry-pack as there are rarely any inside pockets or divisions. If hiking is what you’ll be doing most and you don’t want to invest in a dry-pack, you can use a heavy-duty plastic trash compactor bag as a liner inside your conventional backpack.

Mobile Phone Mobile Phone

Pohnpei has surprisingly good cellular coverage across the island. You can even use your phones on the top of some mountains and at most of the islands in the lagoon. For the sake of emergency, it’s a good idea to carry a phone with a local SIM card and some credit at all times. CDMA phones don’t work in Micronesia, but pretty much anything that’s unlocked and can take a GSM SIM card will. SIM cards and phone credit can be purchased at the FSM Telecommunications HQ in the middle of town.

First Aid Kit First Aid Kit

This should be a no-brainer. Accidents happen, and with slippery rocks, rough terrain, pointy tree branches, and razor-sharp coral, for most people it’s just a matter of time. Carry a good kit and know how to use it. It could save your life.

Pocket Knife Pocket Knife

If you go anywhere with a local guide, he’ll bring at least three things: some betel nut, a bottle of water, and a machete. If you’re hiking without a guide, you’ll want to have your own small knife on-hand, at the very least. Quality stainless steel is a must, as Pohnpei’s very air can cause some metals to corrode.

Water Bottle Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is key to good health anywhere, but it is especially important in the kinds of climate conditions found on Pohnpei. You should carry water with you everywhere you go (at least 2 liters per person for a full-day hike). We encourage you to GO GREEN and use refillable water bottles rather than contributing to Pohnpei’s formidable trash problem by purchasing disposable bottled water. There is currently no plastic recycling program on the island. If you throw it away, it goes in the landfill — and possibly in the ocean. We recommend Nalgene water bottles. They don’t break or leak and they last practically forever.

Camera Camera

Pohnpei is a very photogenic place; the natural environment is stunning and the people are warm and colorful. Any camera will do, but consider carefully how you’re going to protect it from moisture, rain, and splashing water. Keep your camera in a Ziploc back or waterproof case with silica gel when you aren’t using it. Be careful of condensation when going from an air-conditioned space to open air.

Compass Compass

Pohnpei is a small island, so it would seem like it would be hard to get lost, but it’s actually very easy to get disoriented in the forests or on the mountains. A good liquid-filled compass is a must-have companion to your Eco-Adventure Map Guide on any self-led excursion.

Machete Machete

We don’t recommend that you mess with machetes unless you’re already very comfortable with them. But, if you see this symbol anywhere, it means that the route or trail tends to get over-grown, making a machete a necessity. Furthermore, we’re implying that an excursion of this sort requires a local guide. For locals, the machete is kind of like an extension one’s arm. Machetes are sold at most hardware stores around town.

Technical Climbing Gear Technical Climbing Gear

If you plan to do any sport-climbing, you’ll need to bring all your own gear, ropes, everything. Absolutely nothing is for sale on-island. REI ships to the FSM, but you’ll have to wait 2-4 weeks for your orders. One option is to ship ahead general delivery and then pick up your box when you arrive.

Binoculars Binoculars

This is a mandatory item of gear for birders. Pohnpei’s rarest and most sought-after birds are hard to get close to. Binocs will help you tick them off your list. The more water-proof they are, the better. Store them as you would your camera.

Outdoor Sports Gear

Pohnpei has no sporting-goods store (Ace Hardware sells some very basic stuff, but nothing specialized or high quality). If you’re planning on doing any outdoor sports on the island like surfing, kiteboarding, kayaking, snorkeling, diving, camping, or biking, you’ll need to bring your own equipment. Pohnpei Surf Club has some surfboards on-hand, but they’re reserved for customers who break all their own during the course of their stay (they also have some kiteboards). Visit the respective pages for each of the adventure sports for more information.

Eco-Adventure Map Guide Eco-Adventure Map Guide(s)

Pick these up when you make land-fall. We think you’ll agree our guides are indispensable. They can obtained at Pohnpei Visitors’ Bureau, the Australian Embassy, hotels, restaurants, the public Library, and many other locations.

The Basics >> What to Bring

Getting There

By Air

United Airlines

In the 1980s, Continental Airlines entered into an agreement with the FSM that made it extremely difficult or impossible for any other air carrier to service the country. For a brief time, Air Nauru made flights to Pohnpei from some of the island nations in the area, but the airline was repossessed by a U.S. bank when Nauru’s economy collapsed in 2005. Over the years, the Continental Micronesia island-hopper route from Honolulu to Guam became known for its exorbitant pricing. In 2012, United Airlines merged with Continental and inherited the latter’s monopoly in the FSM. Though the FSM has continued its efforts to attract other carriers and Pohnpei’s airport is now equipped to handle direct flights from the U.S. and Asian mainlands, United remains the sole commercial air carrier in the FSM and rates remain off the charts. The quality of service, unfortunately, does not reflect the pricing. Now the largest airline in the world and with little to lose by alienating a customer-base that has no other option, the company’s motto might as well be something that rhymes with “bucket.” Delays and cancellations have become a regular thing since United took over (sometimes the pilots will actually overfly an island because of heavy rain — in the tropics!). Don’t expect any apologies from the carrier or much sympathy from the residents, who have had to deal with this kind of nonsense for decades — local antipathy for the arrangement is legendary.

Pohnpei can be reached by two different routes via United:

West-Bound Route / Island-Hopper
East-Bound Route / Guam
Baggage Limitations & Fees

United Airlines gives visitors to Micronesia one (1) free piece of check-in baggage, one (1) carry-on bag, and one (1) carry-on personal item. Any additional luggage is subject to an excess baggage fee that varies depending on your country of origin.

Air Nuigini

Air Nuigini began offering flights to Pohnpei back in 2016. It is a very popular option for people travelling from Australia and the western Melanesia nations due to its more affordable rates compared to United Airlines. However due to the pandemic they have stopped all flights to Pohnpei for the mean time. Flights may resume in the near future but as of now you cannot get to Pohnpei via Air Nuigini.

Visit Air Nuigini for rates and updates on flight availability.

Air Nuigini Route:

By Sea

M/V Caroline Voyager, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)

M/V Caroline Voyager or Micronesia Navigator

The M/V Caroline Voyager is a medium-sized supply ship while the Micronesia Navigator is a larger vessel more oriented to carrying passengers. Both vessels do periodic loops through different parts of the FSM, stopping at islands along the way. The schedules are fairly erratic and break-downs and other issues can result in long delays, but if you can get to Yap and you have time to kill, the ship is without question the cheapest way to visit Pohnpei and other islands in the chain. For information about fares and tickets, contact the FSM Marine Division.

  • +691.320.2865 / 2381 / 5829

The Basics >> Getting There

Passports & Visas

Entry Requirements

The FSM requires proof of citizenship and presentation of a completed FSM Immigration Arrival and Departure Record for entry. A passport valid for at least 120 days beyond the date of entry into the FSM satisfies the first requirement.

Passports & Visas

Countries with No Visa Required or Visa-on-Arrival

For U.S. citizens and residents of U.S. possessions, an entry permit is issued on arrival, and there are no limitations on the length of stay as a result of the Compact of Free Association between the two countries. For nationals from some other countries an automatic visa is issued upon arrival (duration varies from country to country, but typically is for 30 days).


Pohnpei has no arrival fee, but it does have a departure fee of $40.00, which you must pay in cash before receiving your boarding pass.

Where to Stay

7 Stars Inn

7 Stars Inn opened in 2012 at the site of the former Penny Hotel (opposite the Pohnpei Botanical Garden) and has quickly ascended to the top spot in terms of classiness. The property was carefully renovated and all rooms are beautifully furnished and decorated. Everything is kept spotless, and the staff are friendly and helpful. Three types of rooms are available: Single (2 twins), Double (queen + twin), and Deluxe (1 king). The hotel has its own car rental service, a restaurant (Riverside), and a sports bar (Lefty’s) downstairs. Reservation requests can be made through the excellent web site or by email.


Cliff is another of Pohnpei’s long-standing hotels, though it has been renovated and had a nice new wing added to it in recent years. The rooms are simply furnished and typical of low to mid-range accommodations. It’s a favorite among Peace Corps workers in town for R ‘n’ R — which probably speaks to its affordability and level of comfort. Cliff also has its own car rental service, conference room facilities for rent, and a restaurant and bar. Reservation requests can be made by email.

Joy Hotel

Joy Hotel is one of the oldest hotels on Pohnpei. Recent renovations have dramatically improved some of the rooms. Over all, Joy is a nice little hotel, centrally-located on Ohmine Street at the north end of Kolonia. Its biggest claim to fame is certainly its restaurant downstairs, open three meals a day. Two types of rooms are available: Single (1 queen) and Double (2 twins). The renovated rooms are certainly the best, but non-smokers will be turned off by the pervasive smell of cigarette smoke. The hotel doesn’t do its own tours or car rental, but they can certainly refer you to someone who can. Staff speak English, Pohnpeian, and Japanese. All major credit cards are accepted. Repeat customers get a 10% discount. Reservation requests can be made by email.

Yvonne's Hotel, Pohnpei, FSM

Hideaway Hotel

Located on the southern end of Pohnrakied, Hideaway Hotel is situated on the hillside facing the southern end of Sokehs harbor. Unlike traditional hotels Hideaway has cottages rather than rooms. If you enjoy privacy and not having to worry about the people in the room next door, this is the place for you. There are two types of rooms available: single and double. The hotel has its own restaurant (Hideaway Bar & Grill), located at the bottom of the hill.

Island Palms Hotel

Located right in the center of town on Elenieng street across from Kolonia Elementary School. It’s only a short 1-5 minute walk from Ellen’s Market, 4TY Food Truck, Ace Office Supply, Ace Hardware, Ace Commercial, and Pohnpei Cinemas. They have single deluxe (1 king) and double (2 twins) rooms available for guests to stay in. Rooms on the northern side of the hotel have a small balcony where one can enjoy the outside air, whereas rooms on the southern side do not have a balcony. The hotel also has its own car rental service for guests only. Island Palms Restaurant, located on the first floor, serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner for guests and the general public.

Mangrove Bay Hotel / Pohnpei Surf Club

Mangrove Bay, located on a man-made spit of land at the head of the bay between Sokehs Island and Kolonia, and the host of the Pohnpei Surf Club (PSC). Owned and operated by Kumer Panuelo and family, the establishment looks like it may have set a new standard on the island. The place is small, but rooms are comfortable and beautifully furnished with wonderful views of the nearby Yacht Harbor and free WIFI. Mangrove Bay has a Marina, boat gas station, and the Pohnpei Dive and Surf Club located right by the hotel. Mangrove Bay also has a nice open-air bar / restaurant. Reservation requests can be made through the hotel’s Facebook page. Pohnpei Surf and Dive Club offers the most extensive range of tour options on the island: surfing, jetski, land and ocean tours (Nan Madol ruins, waterfalls, island hikes, Ahnd Atoll), stand-up paddle boarding, and SCUBA diving. PSC has gear on hand for all of its tours. Reservation requests can be made by email.

Seabreeze Hotel

Seabreeze, located on the waterfront road at the north end of Kolonia, is the first hotel one passes when leaving the airport, but it sometimes gets overlooked anyway. It’s a no-frills joint to be sure, but the rooms are nice and kept very clean and the staff is friendly and informative. The best rooms are in the new wing, but some of the singles are down-right Lilliputian. Sea Breeze has its own car and kayak rental services. They can also arrange snorkeling, SCUBA diving, sport-fishing, surfing, hiking, and Nan Madol excursions through Paradise Tour Service. The on-site restaurant (Red Snapper) serves an expansive lunch buffet on Wednesdays. Reservation requests can be made by email.

Ocean View Plaza Hotel (West Wing)

Oceanview Plaza Hotel is one of the better located hotels on the island. The hotel sits on the mountain overlooking Mangrove Bay and the Sokehs harbor. They have single and double rooms as well cottages. The best rooms to book are the ocean-side rooms (as opposed to a mountain-side rooms), that way you can enjoy Pohnpei’s amazing sunsets and the view of the harbor. The hotel also has its own car rental service for guests staying at the hotel. Orchid restaurant is on the first floor of the hotel.

  • +691.320.7978 / 7049
  • P.O. Box: 416, Pohnpei, FM 96941

Para Nuii Island Resort

Para Nuii Island resort is Pohnpei’s most remote hotel among the hotels. Situated on the other side of the island, it’s about an 1 hour to an 1hr-30min drive from town to the dock depending on traffic and other factors. Afterwards it’s a short boat ride over reef to a beautiful island. The actual name of the island is Nahnningi Island which was built during the construction of Nan Madol and is located on the southern end of the reef flat on which Nan Madol is built. The island has fully furnished bungalows which guests can book for multiple nights. The sunrises there are amazing; the water is full of marine life thanks to a marine sanctuary located nearby as well. The only caveat is that guests will have to bring their own food and drinks with since there is no place that serves food on the island and the nearest restaurant is a 5 minute boat ride and a 1-2 hour drive away, and that’s if the tide is high enough to allow the boat back to the main island (this information is as of summer 2021, however plans may be in place to build a restuarant/ area where guests can dine in the near future). However despite that, it is a great place for weekend getaways and we highly recommend you visit the place at least once during your stay on Pohnpei.

  • +691.320.8085 / 4440

Yvonne’s Hotel

Yvonne’s Hotel bills itself as a “mid-sized hotel with the atmosphere of a family guesthouse.” That’s a good description. Things are basic, but always spotlessly clean. Unfortunately, (and through no fault of its owners), it just happens to be located between Telecom, which runs its noisy generator off and on at all hours, and a cinderblock plant with loud machinery. Yvonne’s is popular with business travelers, but gets fewer tourists. Single (1 queen), Double (1 queen + 1 twin), and Studio (3 twins + kitchen) are offered. Studios are available at a monthly rate. The hotel has its own car rental service and cafe-style restaurant (Kia’s). Reservation requests can be made by email.

The Basics >> Where to Stay

Stores & Markets

Businesses on Pohnpei open and close without warning as the local economy is a tough environment for any enterprise, but the ones we’ve listed here have been around for a while and seem relatively stable.

A-One Supermart

A-One is a large grocery store on Main Street that sells groceries, imported produce, and general merchandise. The store used to be located down the street a bit in a tiny little shop. When the Truk Trader Company’s Wallmart folded, A-One moved in. They have a smaller branch stores: in town across from Amcres Gas Station (also on Main Street), in Mwalok on Sokehs Island, and in Palikir across from the College of Micronesia,.

  • 7AM-Midnight (Mon-Sun)
  • +691.320.2537

Ace Commercial Center

Ace Commercial Center, located near the movie theater just outside of Kolonia, sells a wide selection of both perishable and non-perishable groceries, fresh imported produce, and household supplies. Produce shipments are irregular — sometimes the selection is good and sometimes there’s next to nothing.

  • 7AM-10PM (Mon-Sun)
  • +691.320.2518

Ace Hardware

This local branch of the Ace Hardware chain, specializes in hardware, home improvement, household supplies, appliances, sporting goods, and general merchandise.

  • 8AM-5PM (Mon-Fri); 8AM-1PM (Sat)
  • +691.320.2723

Ace Office Supply

Located next to Ace Hardware, Ace Office Supply is a large facility that carries office supplies, electronics, household supplies, furniture, and general merchandise.

  • 8AM-5PM (Mon-Fri); 8AM-1PM (Sat)
  • +691.320.8279

Blue Nile

This warehouse store at the western edge of Kolonia, sells non-perishable groceries and frozen foods, general merchandise, household supplies, and bulk items.

  • 7AM-10:30PM (Mon-Thu, Sun); 7AM-Midnight (Fri-Sat)
  • +691.320.7476

Ellen’s Market

Located on the waterfront road, this small farmer’s market sells locally-grown produce and fresh fish.

  • 7AM-9PM (Mon-Sat)
  • +691.320.2747

Isamu Nakasone Store (INS)

Down a back-road in the northern part of Kolonia, this store has a wide range of non-perishable groceries, general merchandise, household supplies, and clothes.

  • 6AM-9PM (Mon-Fri); 6AM-8PM (Sat); 6AM-6PM (Sun)
  • +691.320.2587

Palm Terrace Store

Palm Terrace Store, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)

Palm Terrace is easily Pohnpei’s largest and most diverse grocery store with both perishable and non-perishable groceries, frozen foods, fresh imported produce, general merchandise, household supplies, and clothes. Produce shipments are sporadic — sometimes the selection is very good and sometimes there’s practically nothing.

  • 7:30AM-9PM (Mon-Fri); 7:30AM-8PM (Sat); 10AM-6PM (Sun)
  • +691.320.2882

PMK Fish Market

Located behind One World Plaza in the same building as the Conservation Society of Pohnpei, PMK Fish Market according to their page “specializes in line-caught reef and nearshore fish and mangrove crabs”. All fish and crabs sold at the market are caught using sustainable fishing methods: catching/selling fish only during their open season, catching/sale of fishes that are mature and are not a protected species. They also vacuum seal their seafood to keep it fresh for as long as possible. We recommend purchasing your fish from them whenever you can; by doing so you’re supporting a business the puts environmental gain above financial gain, and that’s something worth supporting.

Pohnpei Hardware

This store near the waterfront specializes in hardware, home improvement, and household supplies.

  • 8AM-5PM (Mon-Fri); 8AM-1PM (Sat)
  • +691.320.7493 / 7942 / 8611

PRD Drive-In

PRD is the mother of all mom-and-pop stores. Located at the north end of Kaselehlie Street (Main) on the corner of Ohmine, this small store has found huge success (probably due to its location, expansive inventory, and extended hours). PRD is the place to go when you need something basic late at night when everything else is closed.

  • 6AM-Midnight (Mon-Fri); 6AM-1AM (Sat-Sun)

True Value Hardware

This local branch of the True Value chain, sells hardware, home improvement, and household supplies.

  • 8AM-5PM (Mon-Fri); 8AM-3PM (Sat)
  • +691.320.5726

Simon’s Market

Simon's Market, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)

This is the largest local market currently in operation they have daily deliveries of fresh produce, fresh fish, crab, lobster (on occasion), and other local food items. Their produce is grown at Simon’s farm in Palikir and elsewhere, while their fish is brought in by local fisherman. They also sell made traditional handicrafts and tools. Buying produce and other goods from Simon’s is a great way to support local farmers, fishermen, and craftspeople.

  • 7:30AM-8PM (Mon-Sat); 10AM-5PM (Sun)
  • +691.320.7002

Yoshie Enterprises

This small store in eastern Kolonia sells non-perishable groceries, general merchandise, household supplies, electronics, and clothes. It’s a good place to go if you’re looking for Asian food items.

  • 9AM-8PM (Mon-Sat); 10AM-6PM (Sun)
  • +691.320.2412

The Basics >> Stores & Markets

Eating & Drinking

Pohnpei and Speed are two words that often do not go together. Service at restaurants can vary, one day it can be a short wait for your food, other days it can take longer. But that’s the beauty of island life, everyone and everything is laid back and relaxed. This is not New York City where it is all about that “go-go-go mentality”. We encourage you to embrace the island lifestyle. Take every chance you get to unwind and live in the moment.

Angie’s Fast Food

Angie’s is the closest thing Pohnpei has to a fast-food chain. The menu includes the typical myocardial infarction favorites — burgers, fries, chili, fried chicken, etc. Think grease, and lots of it.


Arnold’s, located next to Blue Nile, is a cozy little restaurant in a cute pre-fab building — the only one of its kind on Pohnpei. Arnold’s greatest strength is its menu, which features a number of dishes that are offered nowhere else. Servers are attentive and friendly.

CF Food Trailer

A food trailer located beside 4TY Store (the side towards Ace Office Supply) along the Nett Circle Island road. The popular food items are their rotisserie chickens and their cheeseburgers and fries, both of which are great meals.

China Star

China Star Restaurant, located on Dekehtik Island near the airport, offers a menu centered around authentic Chinese recipes while incorporating island staples such as mangrove crab, fresh fish, and coconuts. Known for its generous group-sized plating portions, it is an ideal dining spot for families and large gatherings. Open for lunch and dinner, China Star provides a satisfying fusion of traditional Chinese cuisine and local island favorites in a convenient and welcoming setting.

Cliff Rainbow

This restaurant is located on the ground floor of Cliff Hotel and has garnered fame locally for three things: pizza, steak, and mangrove crab. They have a full menu typical of other hotel restaurants on Pohnpei, and though Cliff Rainbow is a bit pricier, the quality of the dishes is about the same as everywhere else. The place has nice atmosphere after dark, but unfortunately you may have to wait quite a long time for your meal, and getting the attention of the indifferent wait-staff can be very difficult.

Hideaway Bar & Grill

Hideaway Bar & Grill located right below Hideaway Hotel on the southern end of Pohnrakied is one of Pohnpei’s more aesthetically pleasing restaurants. It is an open-air restaurant built out over the water in a mangrove estuary. They serve a variety of dishes from the traditional meals you can find in most restaurants on Pohnpei to other dishes such as sushi. Located at the center of the restaurant is the bar which serves various types of beer, liquor, and specialty cocktails. They also do teppanyaki, you must call in advance to book a slot if you would like to experience island style teppanyaki. The whole place can also be reserved for private parties, dinners, or other events just contact the restaurant to book a reservation.


Located adjacent to Snowii’s and & 7 Stars Store, Hotplate is a take-away only food place. Like Angie’s Fast Food they have a relatively small menu and serve mainly fried foods. 

  • 8AM-8PM (Mon-Sat) / 9AM-3PM (Sun)
  • +691.320.6825

Island Palms Restaurant

Located on the 1st floor of the Island Palms Hotel. They serve many of the usual dishes that you can find in most restaurants with a few specialty dishes.

Joy Restaurant

Joy Lunch
Joy Lunch

This bustling restaurant on the ground-floor of the Joy Hotel is a Pohnpei main-stay. There’s nothing particularly daring about the menu, which consists of the usual run of Pohnpei-style Japanese dishes, including udon, sashimi (best in town), sushi, katsu, and teriyaki chicken, but the service is some of the best on the island and everything is always clean and tidy. The most popular dish by far is the Joy Lunch (called Joy Dinner in the evening) with fried fish, sashimi, miso or seaweed soup, steamed rice, and cabbage salad in a bento box.

Kaselehlie Diner

This lunch buffet, located opposite PCR, serves the usual run of fried chicken, noodles, fried rice, boiled bananas, lumpia, and various other filipino-style dishes.

Mangrove Bay Sushi Bar

Adjacent to the Mangrove Bay Hotel, this open-air restaurant offers a menu featuring sushi, seafood, and chicken wings. With a scenic view of the harbor and a welcoming atmosphere, it provides a relaxing dining experience. Similar to Hideaway Bar and Grill, the venue is available for private parties, dinners, and other events.


MyShore is a bar and grill on Pohnpei’s scenic causeway, offering fresh seafood, expertly grilled skewers, and a variety of refreshing drinks in a relaxed island setting. With ocean views and a welcoming atmosphere, it is the perfect spot to unwind, whether enjoying the catch of the day, savoring flame-grilled flavors, or sipping on tropical cocktails and ice-cold beverages. Known for its laid-back yet vibrant vibe, MyShore is a gathering place for locals and visitors alike, providing the ideal backdrop for socializing, meeting fellow travelers, or simply taking in the views over the lagoon. Additionally, the restaurant hosts a buffet every Monday at 11:45 AM, offering a delicious selection of dishes for guests to enjoy.

One World Plaza

Located on the first floor of the One World Plaza building on Kapwar E Sou Road, this restaurant and coffee shop offers a menu centered around sushi, seafood such as shrimp and mussels, and teppanyaki-style dishes. In addition to savory meals, they serve a variety of beverages, including smoothies, lattes, and frappes, as well as pastries like brownies, cookies, and cinnamon rolls. Customers can also enjoy free Wi-Fi while having coffee or a full meal.

Orchid Restaurant

Orchid, which operates out of Oceanview Hotel, has a few innovative things on its menu, such as the crab and cheese-stuffed tuna. It is an open air restaurant that has a great view that overlooks the the harbor. It also has a small bar located inside.

Red Snapper

Red Snapper is Seabreeze Hotel’s restaurant. It’s a pretty standard kind of place with a huge menu of the usual dishes found everywhere on Pohnpei. Wednesday is buffet day. The place was recently expanded a great deal.

Riverside Restaurant

Found on the lower floor of 7 Stars Inn, this relatively new restaurant has a few new things to offer in addition to the typical local takes on Japanese, Filipino, and Chinese food. Breakfast is the most interesting meal with tasty eggs benedict and eggplant omelets on the menu (Riverside is also the only restaurant on Pohnpei that serves oatmeal). Lunch and dinner options include a wide variety of sandwiches, burgers, pasta, chicken and beef dishes, and seafood. Try the Potato Skins appetizer,


Sei used to offer the best buffet on the island, but it has now moved from its original location out closer to the street and serves only curry.

Town’s Diner

Town’s Diner pride themselves in their continued consistency and quality. One of their featured menu items is the Town’s Combo which includes fried chicken, breaded fried fish and sashimi. They also have a great spread of pies and other dessert items such as Snickers Cheesecake and the ever-popular Taro Yogi frappe. Don’t forget to also check out their in-house cafe, Chill, for coffee and bubble tea!

Tipping at restaurants and bars, though not mandatory, is encouraged and much appreciated by local waitstaff.

The Basics >> Eating & Drinking

Getting Connected

Internet Access / WiFi

Pohnpei Public Library

Considering how small Pohnpei is, its public library is truly an exceptional facility. In addition to a surprisingly diverse catalog of books and periodicals (and a large Children’s Section), the library also has a computer lab and wireless internet. Use of any computer lab station is $2.00 per hour with a limit of one hour per day. Use of the library’s private wi-fi is $10.00 per month, however there is also free wifi available there.


International Phone Calls

International phone cards purchased outside Micronesia will not work in the FSM, because “800” numbers aren’t free. However, you can make international phone calls from a cellphone with an FSMTC SIM card. There are regular and off-peak rates*. See below:

For a complete list of international rates, visit https://www.fsmtc.fm/phone/international-rates.

Local Phone Calls

Most unlocked GSM mobile phones will work on Pohnpei. Simply purchase a SIM card and a pre-paid FSM TelCard at FSM Telecom headquarters. TelCards are available in $5, $10, and $20 denominations. There is no charge for in-coming calls.

For a complete list of domestic rates, visit https://www.fsmtc.fm/phone/domestic-rates.

Mobile Data

Again, most unlocked GSM mobile phones will work on Pohnpei. To use mobile data first purchase a SIM card and a pre-paid FSM TelCard at FSM Telecom headquarters. Mobile data plans available for purchase with the use of the pre-paid credit from TelCards. Simply dial and call *000# and an interactive menu will prompt different options including one to order a plan. Make sure that you have enough load on your sim to purchase the plan you would like to have. You can find how much pre-paid credit/load you currently have on your sim by dialing and calling *767# or selecting the option on the interactive menu.

For complete information on mobile data setup and rates, visit https://www.fsmtc.fm/wireless/go.

Postal Services

Post Offices

Pohnpei has 3 post offices. The Main Post Office is located on Main Street (Kaselehlie) in Kolonia, while a smaller branch offices can be found at the Pohnpei International Airport and the National Government complex in Palikir. Under the current agreement with the U.S., the F.S.M.’s postal services are officially part of the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). Pohnpei has a U.S. zip code (96941) and is treated like any U.S. state. Mail sent to and from the U.S. follows USPS domestic mail rates. Parcels sent to the F.S.M. from the U.S., however, do require a customs form. All Pohnpei addresses are post office boxes — there are no residential addresses on the island. You can also accept mail sent to you via general delivery (general delivery is only available for 3 months).

The key to getting things to and from Micronesia promptly is to keep packages small (under 20 lbs), so that they can be sent by air. Large, heavy parcels are invariably sent by ship and take 8-10 weeks to arrive. Boxes should be carefully prepared and wrapped with clear packing tape. Fragile items should be very well-padded to prevent damage. Express Mail will not get your package to or from the island any faster than Priority.

  • Main Office: 8AM-3PM (Mon-Fri); 9AM-2PM no parcel pick-up (Sat)
  • Palikir Office: 9AM-4PM (Mon-Fri)
  • Airport Office: 9:30AM-2PM (Mon-Fri)
  • +691.320.2313

The Basics >> Getting Connected

Tour Operators & Local Guides

Tour Operators

Club Pareo

This Japanese operation specializes in SCUBA diving and has some very experienced staff, but caters primarily to Japanese tourists. Staff may not be very comfortable communicating in English with non-Japanese customers. Contact the club for details.

Nihco Surf Camp / NIHCO Marine Park

Nihco Surf at NIHCO Marine Park focuses mostly on surfing expeditions, but also rents kayaks to guests, and runs trips to Ahnd Atoll. Contact Wilbur Walter for details.

Pohnpei Surf and Dive Club (PSC)

Pohnpei Surf and Dive Club’s specialty is obvious, but in addition to surfing and diving, the club has jetskis, stand-up paddleboards and a great fleet of reliable boats. They offer tours to Nan Madol ruins by car or boat, waterfalls, island hikes, snorkeling or dive trips at the best locations for that day based on weather, tides and season( like Manta RoadAhnd Atoll and Pakin Atoll). Rental dive, snorkel or surf gear are also available for rent at the location. The Pohnpei Surf and Dive Club is the longest running tour operation in Pohnpei conveniently operating from Mangrove Bay Hotel. They do free hotel pickups if you are joining a tour.

You can also check out Pohnpei Surf and Dive Club’s reviews on Tripadvisor HERE.

Seabreeze Hotel / Paradise Tour Service

Seabreeze Hotel has its own small tour service which can arrange a few different trips. Contact the hotel for details.

Yvonne’s Hotel

Yvonne’s is just starting to get into the touring business and can arrange a limited number of trips to well-known sites, such as Nan Madol and some of the popular waterfalls around the island. Contact the hotel for details.

For information on reliable tour guides it is best to contact a tour operation (such as Pohnpei Surf Club) in order to get the best person for the specific activity you would like to do, whether it is a trek up into the mountains, a trip to the Nan Madol ruins, or something completely different.

The Basics >> Guides & Tour Operators

Marine Conservation: What You Can Do

The world’s oceans are under siege, and Pohnpei — even as remote as it is — has not escaped the damage caused by thoughtless human activity. In addition to the increasingly dire effects of global climate change which are destroying coral reefs around the world, the most immediate threats to the island’s ocean environment include unsustainable fishing practices, piggeries and outhouses near water sources, coral dredging, garbage, mangrove forest destruction, and terrestrial deforestation (often as a result of sakau farming). The latter allows increased run-off and the fouling of inner reefs by sediment.

The good news is that there are many things you, as an individual and a visitor, can do to affect change:

  1. Abstain from sportfishing
  2. Despite what sportfishing operators will claim, sportfishing and fishing derbies DO impact the health of fish populations negatively. A single fisherman may not make much of a dent, but a couple hundred sport fishermen and a few derbies a year have a significant effect, eliminating some of the largest individuals of a particular species in the area. This is the primary reason that the Pohnpei Eco-Adventure Guides do not promote sportfishing operations on Pohnpei. Help to eliminate this damaging practice by abstaining from sportfishing entirely and avoiding fishing derbies.

  3. Buy only local fish that comply with size and species regulations
  4. Selling fish that are too young to have reached reproductive age is illegal on Pohnpei, but you still find undersized fish in local markets. Not only should you refuse to buy these immature fish, but you should report the market selling the fish to Conservation Society of Pohnpei. Immature fish on the chopping block mean that some fish never had an opportunity to breed and produce young before being killed. This directly reduces the size of fish populations, because those being caught are not being replaced. The success of fishing prohibitions around Pohnpei’s marine protected areas speaks for itself; if you stop killing the fish, they come back.

  5. Pick up your garbage / Make Less
  6. Our oceans are being destroyed by our waste. Pohnpei’s landfill is on reclaimed land immediately next to the ocean. In extreme high tides or storms, both of which are becoming more common as a result of global climate change, the edges of the landfill are inundated and the trash goes out into the ocean. Additionally, trash is dumped directly into the ocean at other locations around the island. But the majority of trash in the seas, comes from large industrial countries like the United States and is carried into the Pacific by currents. There is so much garbage in the ocean that there’s a permanent named patch called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This is an area where floating plastic garbage is concentrated by currents. This trash is ingested by fish, birds, turtles and other sea creatures — killing them. The first step in fighting the garbage problem is to make less garbage by being smarter about what you consume (REDUCE). The second step is to REUSE everything you possibly can for as long as you possibly can. The third step is to RECYCLE everything that can be. But this last one is last for a reason — if you aren’t doing the other two steps first, you’re part of the problem. Recycling is expensive, uses a lot of resources, and is inefficient — especially on a remote island — so it should be a last resort.

  7. Avoid use of plastic bags / one-time use bottles and containers
  8. Given the information in the last point, this should be self-explanatory. Get yourself some good Tupperwear and a couple of durable, long-lasting metal or heavy-duty plastic water bottles and use those exclusively for all drinking and food-storage for years (or decades) to come. Don’t buy plastic bags or any other plastic materials that are used once and then thrown away. Don’t use Styrofoam or plastic take-out containers — bring your reusable container when you go out. Don’t use disposable plastic straws or disposable cups — bring your own reusable metal or plastic straw and cup. If we all shun these products, the industry will stop producing them.

  9. Take nothing from the marine environment
  10. Divers are familiar with this rule. Everything that exists in the marine ecosystem is there for a reason and has a purpose. When we take shells, coral, seastars, or other things from the ocean, we’re disrupting the natural structure of the ecosystem and preventing it from working the way it should. Enjoy nature with your eyes, but leave it where it is to live as it was supposed to. Take only pictures, leave only bubbles.

  11. Exercise care when diving, snorkeling, or paddling to avoid damage to the reefs
  12. Coral is very fragile and grows near the surface. When paddling, be mindful of tides and depth. Make sure you aren’t hitting the reef with your paddle or the hull of your canoe or kayak. The same goes for snorkeling and diving. Practice good buoyancy control. Keep a reasonable distance from the reef itself and watch your fins — make sure you aren’t inadvertently kicking anything.

  13. Follow all MPA rules
  14. Visit the MPA page for rules and MPA locations. The rules are there, not to annoy you or restrict your fun, but to keep the natural resources in those areas safe and healthy for generations to come. If you don’t follow the rules, you’re contributing to the destruction of those resources, plain and simple.

  15. Write letters to Pohnpei’s governor (Marcelo Peterson), lt. governor (Reed B. Oliver) and acting administrator of fisheries and aquaculture (Clay Hedson) expressing support for conservation measures and encouraging strict prohibitions against dredging, sand-mining, mangrove removal, upland sakau cultivation, and destructive fishing practices
  16. Office of the Governor
    Pohnpei State Government
    Kolonia, Pohnpei 96941 FM
    Tel: 691.320.2235
    Fax: 691.320.2505

  17. Help financially support Conservation Society of Pohnpei (www.serehd.org) and Nature Conservancy (www.nature.org)
  18. Both of these organizations work very hard locally to protect the environment. Directly funding them helps them be successful.

  19. Minimize your carbon footprint
  20. Your carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds emitted due to your the various processes and forms of consumption that make up your life. Carbon emissions related to human activity are the cause of global climate change. There’s a lot of misconception about what is most important in reducing your personal carbon footprint. Here are some of the key things to focus on:

    1. Cut Your Meat Consumption
      In the U.S., government stats on household CO2 footprints indicated that food was the biggest factor in a person’s carbon footprint. In short, what you eat matters because of the way the things you eat are produced. Lifestock is responsible for 18% of all greenhouse emissions worldwide (in the form of methane) — more than the worldwide transport network (which is about 14%). If you eat a lot of meat in your diet, you are contributing to the growth of the meat industry and supporting the negative effects on the environment of all those animals being raised for your table. That doesn’t mean you have to become a vegan, but you can greatly reduce your personal carbon footprint by cutting down significantly on your meat intake. Large mammals produce the most emissions — particularly cattle. One kilo of beef does as much damage to the environment as driving your car 160 miles. So make beef a once-in-awhile thing. When you do eat it, make sure it’s from grass-fed, free-range cows, which produce less emissions than feedlot cattle. Cheap beef is the worst; avoid it.
    2. Avoid Produce Waste
      Vegetarians have as much to worry about as dedicated carnivores. Emissions from produce decomposition accounts for a big part of those numbers in the previous paragraph. Large-scale farming and grocery operations are extremely wasteful and about a third of what’s grown is thrown away before even reaching the stores. Another third is thrown away at the store level when it doesn’t sell. That’s more than half of all the food grown. Small farm operations are generally less wasteful because they have more to lose financially by not getting everything to the consumer. Furthermore, transportation of produce is an issue. The further something has to travel to get to you, the more CO2 emissions are involved. That means doing your best to buy from small, local farms as much as possible and staying away from imported goods within reason. To avoid wasting produce you’ve bought, keep it stored properly and make a meal plan so it gets eaten before it spoils.
    3. Cut Your Electricity Use at Home
      Lights are actually not the area where we use the most electricity in our homes. It’s cooling and heating — and we need more of both if we have a poorly-insulated home. About a third of the energy used to heat and cool people’s homes is lost through the walls and roof. On Pohnpei, concrete homes make zero sense. They have no insulation at all. They heat up like an oven when it’s hot and soak up moisture the rest of the time. Wherever you live, you can reduce your carbon footprint a great deal by upgrading your house, making sure it’s well-insulated, has the right windows and doors, and utilizes natural airflow for cooling instead of air-conditioning.
    4. Buy Less
      The next thing on the list is consumption. Leisure goods and services account for more CO2 than private transport does. When you add in clothing, footwear and household goods, that makes up a third of our emissions from consumption. So, though riding your bike instead of driving is great, you’re forgetting a bigger problem if you don’t curb your buying habits as well. The more we buy, the more we’re contributing to all the processes surrounding those products: the manufacturing, the transportation, the packaging, and the waste when the product is thrown away. Consider the following example. You buy a new t-shirt from a big store. You’ve just added to your footprint the impacts of (1) the farm machinery where the textiles were grown, (2) the factory where the raw materials were processed, (3) the factory where it was made into clothing, (4) the surface transport that brought the product to the store, (5) the store that stocked and displayed the shirt, and (6) the vehicle used to travel back and forth from home to store. A lot of what we buy, we don’t need, and once you start realizing that and thinking carefully before buying, it’s easy to cut out a lot. Every time you decide not to buy something, you cut your footprint a little bit. If you really can’t live without something, try getting it used. Resale stores are becoming more and more common.
    5. Spend More Time Outdoors
      What does a person do indoors? Chances are, many people spend most of their indoor time doing things like watching TV, staring at a computer, and talking on or browsing their smartphone, etc. All of those activities are connected to the manufacture and consumption of the products needed to do them. So they tie into #4 above. If you spend your leisure time outdoors, hiking, paddling, swimming, etc., you need that other stuff less and you’ll be less inclined to stock your house with footprint-increasing products.
    6. Cut Down on Your Flying
      Why is this one listed before driving? Because commercial flying generally gives you a bigger carbon footprint than driving does. It is true that cars worldwide produce more CO2 than planes, but that’s because there are many, many more cars and they’re much cheaper to use than planes AND most of them are carrying just ONE person. All of that is bad and we need to fix it. But, the numbers don’t lie — when you fly somewhere, in most cases, you are personally responsible for more carbon output than if you drove. Jet fuel produces slightly more CO2 per gallon than automobile fuel, but the real difference is all the fuel that planes waste on the runway, heating and cooling their interiors, filtering the air inside the plane, landing and taking off, accelerating to the speed necessary to take to the air, and ascending to the cruising altitude. Longer flights, for this reason, are more efficient. Short commuter flights are the worst, because they waste the most. Also, another problem with flying is when carriers don’t fill their flights. The overall impact of that one flight is nearly the same regardless of how many people are on the flight, but your personal footprint goes up the more empty seats there are on the plane, because the impact gets divided among a smaller number of people.
    7. Drive Less
      About 14% of global emissions come from transportation, which includes flying, driving, shipping, etc. Cars, trucks, and trains account for the biggest chunk, because there are so many of all of these types of vehicles around the world and they’re cheap enough that most people can afford to use them. In some places, you just can’t get by without a car because public transportation is poor and things are far apart. But, it’s our job to do everything we can to drive less, and when we do drive, to drive more efficiently, use efficient vehicles, use fuel that creates less emissions, etc. Don’t buy the big truck or SUV. Get an efficient sedan instead, or a hybrid or electric car if you can afford it. Bike or walk whenever possible. Ride electric trolleys, light commuter trains, and subways whenever possible.
    8. Read More
      This one is surprisingly easy, fun, and impacting. Reading makes you smarter and more knowledgeable. We all know that, but it also keeps us away from the types of consumption activities that modern people are drawn to.


Gear Advice: Footwear for Pohnpei

Zories / Flip-Flops

PROS: They’re ultra-easy to take on and off. Your feet are completely exposed to the air and dry quickly.

CONS: When wet or muddy, your feet slide around from side to side and from front to back. Straps are often too weak to handle rough treatment and frequently break. Zories get sucked right off your feet in swift-moving water, mucky sand, or oozy mud. They have absolutely no traction capabilities. Your feet are completely unprotected.

THE VERDICT: Flip-flops are great when cruising around town or hanging on the boat or beach, and that’s about it.

Tennis Shoes

Tennis Shoes
PROS: They’re light. They breathe better and tend to have more flexible soles than heavier footwear, allowing your feet marginally better traction. The toes, tops, and sides of your feet are better protected from scrapes and bangs than with sandals or FiveFingers.

CONS: Tennis shoes have no ankle support. They inevitably get soaked in Pohnpei’s wet environment, and once wet, your feet stay wet. Furthermore, the shoes aren’t going to dry out between hikes in the humidity — even on sunny days. Though soles are thinner and more flexible than hiking boots or Teva-style sport sandals, the type of sole material and tread varies from shoe to shoe. By and large, tennis shoes don’t have tread that performs well on wet rocks or muddy slopes — the most common type of terrain Pohnpei hikers encounter. Shoes are easily pulled right off your feet in deep mud.

THE VERDICT: Tennis shoes are fine for short, easy hikes on roads or well-established gravely trails.

Cloth Hiking Boots

Cloth Boots
PROS: They’re only slightly heavier than tennis shoes. Soles and tread tend to be better designed for hiking in rough terrain than tennis shoes or sandals. They provide good ankle support. Your feet and ankles are protected from scrapes and bangs.

CONS: Breath-ability is poor. Your feet get wet and stay wet. The thickness of the soles makes it harder for them to adhere to wet, curved surfaces, such as river rocks. The deeper tread is mostly ineffective in muddy conditions as the grooves simply fill with mud. Just like tennis shoes, in deep mud, they can be pulled right off your feet.

THE VERDICT: Cloth hiking boots aren’t particularly useful on an ultra-wet tropical island. It’s best to leave them at home.

Hard-Shell Hiking Boots

Hard-shell Boots
PROS: They provide maximum ankle support and foot and ankle protection.

CONS: They’re unnecessarily heavy and wear you out faster than lighter shoes. The soles are thick and inflexible — highly undesirable when crossing slick rocks in rivers or scrambling up muddy mountainsides. They aren’t breathable at all; even if they’re fully waterproofed, your feet will end up soaked by sweat anyway. They’re absolutely impossible to deal with in deep, oozy mud.

THE VERDICT: Hard-shell boots are a very poor choice for this environment.

Teva-Style Sport Sandals

Sport Sandals
PROS: The open-air style allows your feet the greatest opportunity to dry out. There are less places for sand and grit to get stuck.

CONS: Your toes, heels, and the sides of your feet are completely unprotected and can be battered by rocks and roots. When wet, feet tend to slide around on the sole. Blisters around the straps are problematic on anything but short hikes. The Velcro fasteners get caught on vines and other things and pulled open. The thick, inflexible soles are nearly as bad as hard-shell boots when it comes to traction. For footwear designed with rivers in mind, they’re remarkably poor at adhering to wet rocks slimed with algae. They tend to become mired in deep mud like what you find in mangrove swamps.

THE VERDICT: Sport sandals work well when paddling, walking around town, or doing short, relatively-flat hikes on roads or well-established trails.


PROS: The revolutionary design concept centers around research that has shown that balance and traction are significantly improved by having the use of your toes and letting your feet flex and mold themselves to whatever surface they move across. Thin, soft soles allow maximum flexibility and adhere well to wet rocks and other surfaces. “Free” toes can dig into mud for better traction, and because they fit like a second skin, they won’t come off your feet. They’re ultra-light. Thin material or mesh allow your feet plenty of access to air.

CONS: There’s no ankle support and minimal protection from the environment; toes, feet, and ankles can take a brutal beating from rocks and roots. You can’t just jump right into things; you have to break in FiveFingers, take some time to allow your feet to get used to full contact with the terrain, and learn to walk with greater care and precision. They are designed to fit like a glove, and consequently, are very difficult to put on. In sandy conditions, grit gets inside the heels and rubs the skin raw.

OUR RECOMMENDATION: Despite a few disadvantages, FiveFingers out-performed every other type of footwear we tried in a wide range of settings. In our opinion, they are the best choice or hiking and trekking on Pohnpei. FiveFingers are produced by Vibram, which offers an extensive range of models that range from $50 to $150.

Adventures >> Gear Recommendations >> Footwear

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