Due to Pohnpei’s encircling mangrove forests and heavy rainfall, going snorkeling isn’t quite as easy to do as it might be on other islands that have beach access and drier climates. Continuous out-flow from the island’s many streams and rivers carry sediment into the inner lagoon, reducing visibility and inhibiting reef development. So, if you want to see the truly stunning reef-life that Pohnpei has to offer, you’ll have to get in a boat or kayak and get away from the coasts, out to the outer lagoon, the fringing reefs of small off-shore islands, and the barrier reef passes.
Where to Snorkel
We’ll be adding to this list little by little as each Eco-Adventure Map Guide is completed.

Marine Parks
Nihco Marine Park Nihco Marine Park, on the southwest coast of scenic Sokehs Bay is an appealing place for people of all ages to swim, barbecue, and soak up the ...

Ahnd & Pakin Atolls
Pohnpei's Satellite Atolls Beyond Pohnpei’s lagoon, the closest land to be found exists on two “satellite atolls” called Ahnd (pronounced änt) and Pakin (pä.keen). An atoll is made up of ...

Nahpali Island
Nahpali is a long, narrow reef island running roughly northeast-southwest and located northeast of Temwen Island in Madolenihmw Municipality. The island is privately owned by the Senda family and has ...

Sapwtik Island
Sapwtik, which means "small land," is a tiny volcanic island located directly north of Kolonia and 0.5 km northwest of Lenger. Seen in profile, the island resembles a large submarine, ...
Snorkeling Pohnpei’s East Side
Temwen Vicinity Pahn Nahkapw Wall The best snorkeling in the area is west of Nahkapw (island) along the edge of the reef, where a coral wall drops quickly off into ...