Pohnpei Marine Protected Areas (MPA)

Marine Protected Areas (MPA), Sanctuaries, and Forest Reserves

Pohnpei Island currently has thirteen marine protected areas, including three mangrove forest reserves and two stingray sanctuaries. Additionally, Pakin Atoll has five of its own MPAs and all of Ahnd Atoll is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

If you wish to visit a MPA it is best to work with a tour operators as they have the necessary permits that allow entry into these MPAs and biosphere reserves.

Current MPAs

Sapwtik MPA

Sapwtik Marine Protected Area is a 0.83 km2 (0.32 mi2) area encompassing Sapwtik (island), portions of its fringing reef, and sections of the lagoon southwest and northeast of the island.

Dekehos (Mwahnd) MPA

Dekehos Marine Protected Area is a 4.60 km2 (1.78 mi2) area encompassing Mwahnd Passage (Kepidauen Mwahnd) and portions of the barrier reef north of the pass and to the south as far as the fringing reef of Mwahnd Peidak (island).

Dehpehk MPA

Dehpehk Marine Protected Area is a 2.12 km2 (0.82 mi2) area encompassing the eastern and northern coasts of Dehpehk (island) and adjacent fringing reefs.

Nanwap MPA

Nanwap Marine Protected Area is a 3.05 km2 (1.18 mi2) section of the barrier reef and adjacent lagoon areas north of the Madolenihmw Bay passage (Kepidauen Deleur).

Senipehn Mangrove Forest Reserve

Senipehn Mangrove Forest Reserve is a 1.30 km2 (0.5 mi2) area of mangrove forest surrounding Dauen Sapwalap in Madolenihmw.

Namwen Na Stingray Sanctuary

Namwen Na Stingray Sanctuary is a 0.71 km2 (0.27 mi2) area encompassing both shallow reef and deep water areas located north of Na (island) and south of Nahpali (island).

Namwen Nahnningi Stingray Sanctuary

Namwen Nahnningi Stingray Sanctuary is a 0.34 km2 (0.13 mi2) area encompassing four large reef pools and the adjacent reefs northwest of Nahnningi (island).

Nahtik MPA

Nahtik Marine Protected Area is a 0.75 km2 (0.29 mi2) area encompassing Nahtik (island) and all fringing reefs.

Enipein Mangrove Reserve

Enipein Mangrove Reserve is a 9.55 km2 (3.69 mi2) area of mangrove forest located in Enipein, Kitti.

Kehpara MPA

Kehpara Marine Protected Area is a 1.89 km2 (0.73 mi2) area encompassing the three Namwmwour barrier reef islands (including Kehpara) and large sections of the barrier reef both north, south, and east of the islands. This area is completely closed to diving and snorkeling from January 1 to June 30 every year.

Pwudoi Mangrove Sanctuary

Pwudoi Mangrove Sanctuary is a 1.39 km2 (0.52 mi2) area encompassing large sections of mangrove forest in Pwudoi, Kitti, as well as adjacent fringing reefs and portions of the lagoon.

Pakin Atoll Map

Wahulap MPA

Wahulap Marine Protected Area on Pakin Atoll encompasses Nikahlap Island and all surrounding reefs.

Painpwel MPA

Painpwel Marine Protected Area on Pakin Atoll encompasses Painpwel Island, a number of tiny islands off the north coast where sea turtles nest, and all surrounding reefs.

Palikir MPA

Palikir Marine Protected Area is one of Pohnpei’s largest inner-lagoon sanctuaries. It stretches from the shore of Palikir all the way to Palikir Pass. It is also one of Pohnpei’s most successful MPA’s and in 2020 efforts were made expand the MPA’s borders.

Sapangin MPA

Sapangin Marine Protected Area on Pakin Atoll encompasses Sapangin Island, several tiny islets to the north where sea turtles nest, and all surrounding reefs.

Kehrot MPA

Kehrot Marine Protected Area on Pakin Atoll encompasses Kehrot Island, many tiny islets to the northeast where sea turtles nest, and all surrounding reefs.

Mwahnid MPA

Mwahnid Marine Protected Area on Pakin Atoll encompasses Mwahnid Island and all surrounding reefs.

Map Guides >> Marine Attractions >> Pohnpei Marine Protected Areas (MPA)

Nett & Western U GPS Data

Downloadable GPS Data Files

The following files contain all the packaged GPS data for each of the featured locations in Greater Nett & Western U.

Three file types are provided. KMZ and KML files are compatible with Google Earth. KML is compatible with Google Maps. GPX files can be imported into ArcGIS (a professional mapping application) and some hand-held GPS devices.

NOTE: All files are free to the public and can be used for any purpose without permission.

Marine Parks in Awak Pah (2015)

Dolen Eirike (2015)

Dolen Nahnsapwe (2015)

Lou Rahn Cave & Waterfall (2015)

Nan Kiepw & Na Malek Cave (2015)

Nan Koropwung Cliff, Waterfall & Caverns (2015)

Dolen Nett / Pohnlehr (2015)

Nanipil Vicinity (2015)

These files include Liduduhniap, Sengnaip, Likei, Pahn Pwet, and Nan Kiepw waterfalls, the Nanipil Bird Walk, the Swimming Pond, and another popular swimming hole in the area.


The following coordinates correspond with sites featured on the Greater Nett & Western u Eco-Adventure Map Guide. It is our dream to eventually create a Pohnpei GPS app that could be uploaded to smartphones and other devices, but for now, these points of interest can be entered manually in a hand-held GPS device as needed.

NOTE: All GPS devices have a margin of error. That margin increases with interference — when there is a thick canopy of trees, during bad weather, or when mountains obstruct the satellite link. The geosynchronous satellites employed when navigating on Pohnpei are located low on the southwestern horizon, such that maintaining a strong connection while hiking on the northeast side of a given mountain range can be difficult. Coordinates on the northeastern slopes of mountains are less accurate than in other locations.

Awak Marine Parks

Awak Pah MP Entrance —- 6.965910° 158.250758°
Pein Ahi Entrance —- 6.966711° 158.251138°
Paieke Entrance —- 6.969853° 158.256294°
Awak Pah MP Dock —- 6.966470° 158.248785°
Pein Ahi Fish Pond —- 6.967572° 158.249929°

Dolen Eirike

Relio Lengsi’s Residence —- 6.926688° 158.227910°
Dolen Eirike Trailhead —- 6.919570° 158.227397°
Sakau Plantation —- 6.917106° 158.227410°
Japanese Trench Network —- 6.915589° 158.230300°
Dolen Eirike Summit —- 6.915140° 158.231599°
Dol Rakied Summit —- 6.906234° 158.237645°

Dolen Nahnsapwe

Dolen Nahnsapwe Trailhead – Nett Approach —- 6.927169° 158.246675°
Dolen Nahnsapwe Trailhead – U Approach —- 6.918897° 158.270844°
Dolen Nahnsapwe Summit —- 6.909546° 158.260936°
Dolen Nahnsapwe Turn-Off from Lou Rahn Trail —- 6.923336° 158.249283°

Lou Rahn

Lou Rahn Trailhead —- 6.927169° 158.246675°
Lou Rahn Cave & Waterfall —- 6.918551° 158.253955°

Nan Kiepw & Na Malek

Nan Kiepw / Na Malek / Nahnalaud Nett Trailhead —- 6.918179° 158.214601°
Stream Crossing —- 6.917458° 158.215238°
Nahnalaud Turn-Off from Nan Kiepw Trail —- 6.910792° 158.217769°
Last House along trail —- 6.900363° 158.214973°
Na Malek Loop Turn-Off from Nan Kiepw Trail —- 6.897523° 158.213266°
Na Malek Loop Turn-Off from Nan Kiepw Trail —- 6.895756° 158.213144°
Na Malek Cave —- 6.895878° 158.211765°
Kiepw Waterfall —- 6.889668° 158.211740°
Nan Kiepw Overhang & Campsite —- 6.889639° 158.211035°

Nan Koropwung

Nan Koropwung Trailhead —- 6.925729° 158.254909°
Cliff & Waterfall —- 6.927155° 158.259679°
Cave 1 —- 6.927513° 158.259859°
Cave 2 —- 6.927877° 158.259142°
Cave 3 —- 6.927884° 158.259038°

Dolen Nett / Pohnlehr

Dolen Nett Trailhead 1 —- 6.968282° 158.230457°
Dolen Nett Trailhead 2 —- 6.965640° 158.234757°
Dolen Nett Trailhead 3 —- 6.959650° 158.225124°
Dolen Nett Trailhead 4 —- 6.969614° 158.228438°
Japanese Tunnel Entrance —- 6.965840° 158.228329°
Yam Plantation —- 6.965248° 158.228609°
Japanese Defensive Position —- 6.964007° 158.229053°
Japanese Trench Network —- 6.963868° 158.229051°
Japanese Trench Network —- 6.963073° 158.229706°
Japanese Trench Network —- 6.963105° 158.229949°
Japanese Trench Network —- 6.963125° 158.230125°
Japanese Trench Network —- 6.963025° 158.230332°
Pandanus Grove —- 6.961883° 158.230662°
Coconut Palm Grove —- 6.961188° 158.231013°
80 mm Field Gun —- 6.958862° 158.233030°
Rusted Barrels —- 6.958814° 158.233064°
80 mm Gun in Bunker —- 6.958838° 158.233535°
Machinegun Bunker —- 6.958741° 158.233545°
Bunker —- 6.958765° 158.233415°
Pohnlehr Summit —- 6.958226° 158.233346°
Japanese Mobile Radar Array —- 6.958767° 158.232402°

Sengnaip Waterfalls

Trailhead —- 6.920677° 158.204421°
Route Intersection —- 6.920647° 158.201060°
Sengnaip Cave —- 6.917556° 158.200460°
Sengnaip Waterfalls —- 6.917522° 158.200383°

Likei & Pahn Pwet Waterfalls

Trailhead —- 6.920677° 158.204421°
Route Intersection —- 6.920647° 158.201060°
Stream Crossing —- 6.919559° 158.198878°
Log Crossing —- 6.916577° 158.198932°
Route Intersection —- 6.916577° 158.198932°
Route Intersection —- 6.914373° 158.199648°
Route Intersection —- 6.904178° 158.192649°
Route Intersection —- 6.904178° 158.192649°
Likei Waterfall —- 6.903375° 158.189810°
Pahn Pwet Waterfall —- 6.902343° 158.192313°

Nan Kiepw Waterfall

Trailhead —- 6.919873° 158.206230°
Route Intersection —- 6.914373° 158.199648°
Nan Kiepw Waterfall —- 6.897512° 158.206958°

Liduduhniap Waterfalls

Trailhead —- 6.919915° 158.206706°
Upper Pool —- 6.918893° 158.206592°
Upper Falls —- 6.918891° 158.206557°
Lower Pool —- 6.918564° 158.206676°
Lower Falls —- 6.918695° 158.206572°

Nanipil Vicinity

Nanipil Bird Walk Trailhead —- 6.920677° 158.204421°
Nanipil Bird Walk Trail End —- 6.919559° 158.198878°
Hydroelectric Building —- 6.918222° 158.214670°
Japanese Pump Station —- 6.918404° 158.214481°
Swimming Pond Trailhead —- 6.922461° 158.215089°
Swimming Pond —- 6.922642° 158.215955°
Cable Bridge Swimming Hole —- 6.932656° 158.216346°

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Marine Parks

Nihco Marine Park

Rainbow over the beach at Nihco Marine Park, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
Nihco Marine Park, on the southwest coast of scenic Sokehs Bay is an appealing place for people of all ages to swim, barbecue, and soak up the sun. The park is comprised of a narrow, man-made semi-circle of sand with a placid lagoon in the middle where turtles and reef fish are kept. There’s a white-sand beach on the outer edge and simple thatched huts for either day or overnight visits. Small kayaks can be rented for a few dollars. The place can be packed on weekends and holidays.

  • To make reservations for day visits, call +691.320.2135 / 4659

Awak Pah Marine Park

A swimmer leaps from the wall at Awak Pah Marine Park, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
Awak Pah Marine Park is the most well-known of the parks in the area and has a nice big sign right out on the main road. From the parking area near the owner’s house, a 0.2 km (0.12 mi) coral and concrete walkway leads to the water through a dense section of mangrove forests. At the end, there’s a tiny picnic area by the water, a large nahs, and a few other huts that can be rented at an extra cost. The water is shallow and a bit silty on the south side and deep on the west and northwest side where a huge pair of PVC rings have been anchored (a good place to swim). The rock wall by the water is a fun place to jump from, but it can be difficult to climb back out. Snorkeling can be pretty good to the west along the reef wall with lots of small fish and some interesting coral growth. Unfortunately, local visitors have been careless with their garbage and the beautiful reef scenery is frequently ruined by the presence of discarded aluminum soda cans or flashlight batteries — a sad trend on Pohnpei. Water clarity varies from crystal clear to murky depending on the tides; it’s best to visit on an in-coming tide. You can visit Awak Marine Park without making arrangements beforehand.

Paieke Marine Park

Shallows at Paieke, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)

This pleasant, breezy swim-picnic-camp park is located on a network of dredged coral causeways that extend out into the lagoon at the point where the road begins to turn east toward the Awak valley. A number of thatched residential huts varying in size and a nahs (meeting hut) or two are positioned around the water’s edge for guests at an extra cost. The swimming is good all along the west side, though the shallows tend to be silty rather than sandy. Snorkelers should follow the edge of the reef further out into the lagoon for best results. The kids will love tinkering around in the shallows under the shady trees. Paieke operates on a reservation-only basis.

  • To make reservations for visits call +691.925.0382.

Pein Ahi Marine Park

This charming, but little-known, park (pictured at top) is found just after Awak Marine Park, but as it lacks a sign, most people drive right by without realizing it’s there. From the road, a beautiful 0.16 km (0.1 mi) stone and coral walkway winds through the picturesque mangrove forests and ends at a grassy picnic area with a nahs and a large fish pond. The family keeps some very curious pufferfish and a few other reef fish in the pond, mostly for the amusement of visiting local children. The swimming all around the outside of the pond walls is excellent with consistently good water clarity. There’s a relatively shallow area on the south side that works well for kids or beginning swimmers and deeper water on the west and north. They also have a pair of large bamboo-pontoon rafts that are fun to cruise around the mangrove fringe on. Except on big holidays, you can usually visit without making any prior arrangements.

    Map Guides >> Greater Nett & Western U >> Marine Parks

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