Types of Waterfalls
Geographers classify waterfalls based on a number of features, including their shape, their sheer volume, the type of pool or lack thereof, and the topography behind or around them. A given waterfall can fit into multiple categories. There are examples of all of the following waterfalls on Pohnpei Island.
A “cascade” is a falls with a wall that slopes gently backward. Instead of plummeting over a lip, the water rushes over the rocky slope on its way downhill. Examples of cascades include Nanpohnmweli, Kepirohi, Kokomaru, Nikotoapw, and Nan Kiepw waterfalls.
Plunge Waterfalls
A “plunge” falls is characterized by a narrow column of water which falls over a lip of rock and crashes into a pool or onto rocks with little or no contact with the cliff-face. Waterfalls of this type generally have very deep pools ground out of bedrock by the constant hammering of the water. Examples of plunge waterfalls include upper Pahnsapw, Pahnairlap, upper Liduduhniap, and upper Lipwentiak.
Block / Sheet Waterfalls
A “block” or “sheet” falls is characterized by a wide, straight lip of rock over which a river or stream passes, forming a broad, uniform curtain of water that falls straight down with little or no interference. These waterfalls are typically wider than they are high. This type of falls is uncommon on Pohnpei. The most obvious example is the upper-most of Nankepinmerepw’s waterfalls in Madolenihmw’s interior.
Horsetail Waterfalls
The “horsetail” falls gets its name from its shape. Unlike a plunge falls, a horsetail waterfall usually has contact with the cliff wall most or all of the way down — so it’s really a very steep cascade. This might happen because the wall isn’t perfectly vertical, because air currents force the water against the wall, or because the water isn’t flowing fast enough to burst out away from the wall. The falling water fans out at the bottom, resembling a horse’s tail. This is the most common type of waterfall on Pohnpei. Examples of horsetail waterfalls include Sahwartik, Sahwarlap, Lehnpaipohn, lower Pahnsapw, Olotong, Iro, Nan Emp, and lower Lipwentiak waterfalls.
Punchbowl Waterfalls
A “punchbowl” falls is a type of plunge waterfall where the water is compressed through a narrow portal and emerges with great force before crashing into a pool. The best example of this is Pahnairlap, though upper Lipwentiak and Pahn Sile may also qualify when water volume is high.
Multi-Step / Tiered Waterfalls
A multi-step falls, also sometimes called a tiered waterfall, is created when there are two plunge falls in close succession. Liduduhniap, Lipwentiak, and Sengnaip waterfalls are examples of this.
Waterfalls Around Pohnpei

Kepindau & Pohn Pillap Waterfalls

Kepirohi Waterfall

Lehnpaipohn Waterfall

Liduduhniap Waterfall, Nanipil & Nan Madap Attractions

Lou Rahn Cave & Waterfall

Nan Kiepw & Na Malek

Nan Koropwung Cliff & Caverns

Nankepinmerepw River Valley

Nanpohnmweli Waterfall

Pahn Sile Waterfall

Pahnsapw & Nankep Waterfalls

Pahntakai Cave & Waterfall

Rohi Waterfall

Sahwartik & Sahwarlap Waterfalls

The Six Waterfalls Hike